Baby python fixed - Sandbox (UIUCTF 2021)
In this challenge we run python code inside a sandbox and must avoid lowercase letters:
import re
bad = bool('[^a-z\s]', (input := input())))
exec(input) if not bad else print('Input contained bad characters')
We can easily create strings by writing their values is octal, so 'os'
becomes '\157\163'
and 'cat /flag'
becomes '\143\141\164\040\057\146\154\141\147'
A quick script for conversions:
def octalize(s):
print('\\' + '\\'.join(oct(ord(i))[2:].zfill(3) for i in s))
The harder part is doing something interesting with these strings. It turns out that python will run unicode italics and bold (WTF?!?!). So we can run:
to obtain the flag.